Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thank God For His Blessings
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Death Will Come For Us All
Friday, October 19, 2007
What If. . . .
Tribute to Will

I will never forget Sunday, August 10, 1997, when Will surrendered to preach. He was just 14 years old, and I have never been more shocked. Will had gone to church camp the week previously, and after coming home that weekend he seemed to be quieter than normal. I just blamed it on the fact that he probably had gotten very little sleep at camp, but apparently not. At the end of service that Sunday, he came forward and announced he felt God calling him to preach. Since that time, I can say that Will has always had God as his top priority. That does not mean he was a perfect teenager who always cleaned his room and treated his brother with respect, but he was never ashamed of the gospel of Christ. He would take his Bible to school every day and they called him "preacher boy". He did his research paper on the life of Paul, and was always studying the Bible. Watching him, made me want to study more.
I thank God he has allowed me to be in Will’s life and watch him grow into the man and preacher he is today. I have to say that every time I hear Will preach, I think, "Wow, he is a really good preacher." Although, I have been known to offer "constructive" criticism at times. At present, Will is the director of the Missionary Baptist Student Fellowship located on the campus of UALR. He is married to Ashley Diggs and they have a very beautiful daughter named Gracie. I pray God’s blessings on them all.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Martha Gets a Bad Rap
I have had busy weekend working at the church. We had a big meeting and had to provide three different meals, and then we also had lunch after Sunday School today. I feel a little like Martha in the Bible. She was stuck in the kitchen, and Mary got to hear all the teaching. I am not complaining, because I wanted to work and help in the best way needed. I do think that Martha gets a bad rap though. If I and the other women had been sitting and listening to the teaching this weekend, and not preparing the food, I am sure we would have heard some grumbling from the others concerning this. I am sure Martha understood this concept and had probably dealt with grumbling appetites before, but Jesus told her that she worried needlessly and that Mary had chosen the better thing. In my work for God, I have come to realize that there are times that I have to miss out on worshiping while I am taking care of other preparations. I just spend other times in worship and study--it may be just me and Jesus meeting together--but I find time to spend with Him. I would encourage you to take notice of the people in your church who are playing the piano, teaching Sunday School, helping with children’s programs, and cooking for church meals, and remember that Marthas need to learn and worship too. There may be a Mary out there who is soaking up all the teaching and needs to give Martha a turn.