"The Lord is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love." I have come across this phrase multiple times while reading about God's love, so I searched the Bible concordance for it. I have come up with at least 11 instances when this particular phrase is used. I decided to look up compassion to see what the difference was between it and love. Compassion is defined as a sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. In its latin form it means "to suffer with". God loves us so much that He suffers with us. I know you have hurt for someone before, it is a pain in the heart. Today we had to give away two puppies that someone dumped in the ditch outside our house. Hannah had fallen in love with these puppies, and she so dearly wanted to keep them. As she was crying from her heartbreak this morning she said, "it hurts so bad to give away something you love." I know that God's love for us is so much more intense than that. He created us--He knit us together in our mother's womb it says in Psalms. His compassion and love cause Him to be patient and slow to anger with us, and he wants us to be reassured of His great love for us.
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