Somedays I just want to talk to old friends. Today I've talked to 4 of my old friends. I have known Amber since she was born, but I was just four months old when she was born. Although I do remember playing together when I was just 3 years old. I have lived with her and her family, and she is like a sister to me. She now lives in Tennessee, but we still see each other and talk throughout the year.
Bridgette lives in Hot Springs. She is married to a lawyer and works in the Garland County Prosecutor's Office. I have known of her since I was just a babe, but we have been close friends since we were about 12 years old. We have both married lawyers and work in the field of law. Who would have ever thought?!
I have two friends named April and I talked to both of them today. The first April I met in seventh grade. I moved to Lake Hamilton and she introduced herself and we've been friends ever since. She has adopted 5 children, and is an angel. She has blessed many children because of her big heart.
The second April is a couple of years younger than me and I've also known her since she was just a babe also. I haven't talked to her in a couple of years, but we reconnected tonight. She has recently become CFO of Farmers Bank in Magnolia Arkansas. She has a little boy that was born premature and I still remember holding him when he was as light as a feather. He is 5 now, and healthy as can be.
I have been very blessed to have lots of friends. Presently, Terry and I have some friends from our church who have decided to come and help us on our house, and they have been lifesavers. We actually have electricity now and we thought it was going to cost us $5,000.00. Good friends should be treasured and cared for. I've dealt with individuals who couldn't scrape up a single friend to support them in a divorce or in their time of need. I am so blessed that God has showered me with an abundance of friends. I actually talked to two other friends today that I see weekly. I talk to one friend everyday--sometimes multiple times. I love you all, and if you count me as a friend and haven't talked to me in a while--give me a call!
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