After the very busy, hurried week I had last week, I really needed some time to relax. Sunday, I started a good book, and I read it whenever I could yesterday and then stayed up until 11:30 p.m. to finish it. There is really something about a good book that just grips me. I get sucked into the plot and I just can't put it down. As a teenager, I remember spending my summer days reading. I would carry my book to the table and read and eat. I would carry my book to the bathroom and yes, I would sit and read. I've even read while in the bathtub. These days, I read in the car (while Terry drives), I read while I eat (if we don't go out to eat), and I read late at night after Hannah is asleep. Hannah has discovered the joy of reading too. She is reading on a chapter book right now, a Little House on the Prarie book, and she reads shorter books--usually over and over again. Today, we stayed home all day even though I wasn't sick. I didn't have a new book to start, and I also wanted to get some work done so I didn't want to get chained down to a book. I worked on some office work that needed some undivided attention, cooked some eggless chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, cooked a meatloaf, squash, mashed potatoes, and prepared some chicken to make enchiladas with tomorrow. I also washed some rugs, washed the dishes several times, vacuumed 95% of the house, and Hannah and I each painted two pictures (watercolors). It was just so nice to relax at home and not feel that I had to be somewhere at a certain time or do something every second. Oh, I almost forgot, I also took a nap for an hour. It's been forever since I've had a day like this, and I needed it. Next week, Barbara will be off work in order to prepare for her daughter's wedding. Terry is going to go camping--alone. Hannah and I will be holding down the fort at the office by ourselves. Then Hannah will be in the wedding (she's the flower girl) and on Monday after that we will be going to church camp. June has just dissappeared. So I guess I will go the Library and stock up on a few books, I will need to escape in the evenings. I highly reccomend it--it's a great way to relax!
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