This morning our pastor preached on how we should treat others. His premise was that God loves everyone and He died for everyone. He loves and died for the stinky bum on the street corner; the cruel bully; the snooty, rich man; the neighbor that you wished would move; and that person that “looks like he fell in a tackle box.” Tonight after church, God gave us a pop quiz covering that sermon. There was an old truck with some guys who had run out of gas right in front of the church and people could have easily judged them and been afraid to help, but we made sure they had gas and were on their way.
It’s so easy to judge those who aren’t just like us. Who says we are normal, and the good Lord knows we aren’t perfect. If we are Christians, we have a higher calling and higher expectations placed on us. We are expected to help those people God places in our path. It’s usually pretty clear, when you know God is asking you to help someone.
People are always in a quandary about when to help a stranger. I heard Beth Moore give these guidelines, and I think they are very wise. Don’t help when (a) You simply can’t give or do what’s needed or asked for. (b) your help just won’t help; (c) beyond the boundary is unauthorized danger. Knowing what is dangerous can be tricky, but if you are alone, it probably isn’t a good idea especially if you are a woman. Ultimately, God gives us common sense and He also wants us to listen to His guidance. If you are listening, you will hear Him talking.
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