Wednesday, February 27, 2013

25 Random Things About Me

I posted this as a Note on Facebook back in 2009, but as I reread it, I realized that this really does still describe who I am--probably more so now. 

1.  I really love Jesus and I really love people. I love to meet new people and make new friends.
2.  I always feel inferior so I push myself to be better and take on more than I should.
3.  I found out in June, 2008, that I am allergic to milk and eggs. This limits what I can put in a mouth, but I eat plenty of the food I can.
4.  I love chocolate! It can be eaten in a form that does not include milk or eggs.
5.  I used to walk in downtown Hot Springs and on the Promenade after 11:00 p.m. with some other girlfriends, and I now think that was really stupid.
6.  I’m nosy. I think everything needs my assistance. I was checking other babies diapers when I was in the nursery myself.
7.  I’m a really bad piano player, but a pretty good typist. The trouble is--there isn’t a need for bad piano players.
8.  I didn’t own a television until I was 21, and I don’t watch much TV now because I think it is a big contributor to the moral decline of our nation.
9.  I hate being told you have to vote a certain way in order to be a Christian. I think both parties have christian/unchristian issues. I’m a liberal in government and a conservative in morals.
10.  I hate racism of any kind. It is ungodly, it is wrong, and if you are racist you need to get to know Jesus better. He was not racist.
11.  I've become a “green freak”. I want to help save the world. If you don't like people who are "green", then get to know Jesus better. He created the world, and wants us to take care of it.
12.  I’ve learned that God is the God of people and not denominations.
13.  I thought being a “step”-parent was hard, and then found out it was just the parent part that was hard.
14.  I have a step-father, step-mother, 2 step-brothers, 2 step-sons, I’m a step-mom, and I’m my own Grandpa. . . . .
15.  I wrote a research paper on laughter in college and it was published on the web.
16.  My fondest memory of my youth is laughing with my mom. We would laugh so hard that we would forget what we were laughing about and then laugh because we didn’t know what we were laughing about.
17.  I’ve never been out of the USA.
18.  I’ve never flown before.
19.  I still want to go to Law School.
20.  My husband is 17 years older than me, but I am more mature.
21.  I love to sing in church, despite the fact that I get so nervous I can barely breathe while doing it.
22.  I am ashamed of how much myself, and others in this blessed country waste everyday.
23.  I work with my husband everyday (for 20 years, but only for 18 as husband and wife) and we are still married.
24.  I’m incredibly disturbed by the amount of Christian couples who are divorcing these days, and wish they could discover that the answer is not in finding another man or woman. The problems will not go away with divorce–they just generally increase.
25.  I'm a social media addict.

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