Sunday, April 7, 2013

What is Your Mission?


Every company has a mission statement–a statement that describes what they are about and what they are in business to accomplish. Every church should have a mission statement, and I would hope that it was based on Matthew 28:19; Go and tell! It does seem that companies and churches sometimes lose sight of what they were meant to do. Several years ago, the London Transit Authority was having complaints their buses were simply passing by bus stops where passengers were patiently waiting, and failing to stop. They released a statement saying, "It is impossible for us to maintain schedules if we always have to stop and pick up passengers." That is an excellent example of a company who lost the vision of their mission. I sometimes look at our churches and think, "Do we have a vision?" 

Statistics show that 95% of Christians have not ever shared their faith. Never?? How can you be saved and love God and not tell someone about it? You should be leaking Jesus. It has also been reported that if every evangelical in the world would share Christ with one person everyday then we could reach the entire world in 3 months. No, that doesn’t mean that the whole world would accept Jesus Christ, but it would mean that we did what Jesus asked us to do. Exactly why do we not do it? Personally, I am afraid I judge based on appearance whether or not they need to hear it or even want to hear it. Even though I have heard story after story of Americans who were adults before they ever heard about Jesus, Americans who were adults before they ever received their first Bible. While we have focused on foreign countries, our own country has developed an incredible need for missionaries right before our very eyes. In Matthew 9:38, Jesus says, "Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." While you are praying that prayer, don’t forget that God may be pointing to you! He may not be sending you to China-it may just be into your company or your world. No matter where you are, just go and tell!

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Verse of the Day