This is my new favorite song. It's wonderful to think that one day we will get to be in Heaven with Jesus. The other day my daughter and I were talking about Heaven and I guess I'm a good salesman, because she was ready to go. It's actually not the first time she's said that. She realizes that this world is not that comfortable, and there is a better place waiting for us.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Dealing with Difficult People

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Jochebed: Mother of Moses
- Jochebed chose to obey God rather than Man. Pharoah issued the order that all baby boys 2 and under would be killed by being thrown into the Nile River. Jochebed chose to hide Moses until he was three months old and then to place him in a basket in the Nile. She put him in the Nile, but with a little protection. Which leads to a point, God will protect us, but he doesn't want us to be careless and lay in the middle of the highway or ride motorcycles without a helmet, etc. Jochebed risked her entire families life because she knew that God's law was more important than man's law.
- Jochebed chose to "stand out" rather than "blend in". It is likely that several generations had passed since Joseph and all his brothers were alive and the Hebrews had grown to mammoth proportions. They had begun to "blend in" to the culture and society of the Egyptians. Not only was Jochebed different from the Egyptians just because of her ethnicity, she was also different than many of her Hebrew family members. She made a choice to be different and serve the one, true and living God instead of the Egyptian gods.
- Jochebed chose to have hope rather than wallow in despair. We can see that Jochebed had hope because she was useful and effective. When we have no hope and we give in to despair, we tend to be ineffective for God and our families. If I'm bound up in worry, I am unable to concentrate and do a good job on the things I have to do. We see that Jochebed was so effective at teaching Moses about the true God that despite the many years of teaching he received from the palace, despite the temptation of power and riches, he refused to turn his back on God.
- Jochebed had a living faith rather than a dead faith. Jochebed could tell that Moses was "no ordinary" child and that he was anointed by God for something special. The only way she could have known this was by her relationship to God. She also didn't just sit and pray that God would swoop down take care of it. She listened to God. After three months, she got a "God Idea" and decided to build a basket and place it in the Nile. Then she taught Moses everything she could with all the fervor that she could in the time that she had. Her faith was not without wisdom and was full of action.
Many times we look at women in the Bible and think, they are just filled with some special power, but they didn't have the spirit of God living in them like we do today. In the Old Testament, the comforter had not yet been sent. Jochebed lived in a country with political unrest, her family were slaves, she was ridiculed for her strong faith, and she watched as friends mourned the loss of their babies. We in America are so blessed. We have great freedoms, that we don't even exercise. We are free to worship, to teach our children whatever we want, to vote for our leaders. I sometimes wonder if a little persecution might not give us more passion. I pray that God will convict you to choose the higher calling, because we always have a choice.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Older and Wiser
Monday, August 18, 2008
Second Grade Here We Come
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Simple, but Amazing
Hannah and I have spent 2 weeks at church camp at the Bogg this year. We just got back from Kidz Kamp last week. We really enjoyed it. It was different than West-Central Camp. There were some things that I liked better about West-Central and then some I liked better about Kidz Kamp. The preaching was so kid friendly at Kidz Kamp. I decided that sometimes even adults need the simple preaching. We sometimes forget that God has said that we must come to him like children. There are adults who want their sermons to be deep and challenging, and sometimes we just need to remember that Jesus is God and he died to save us; he has set me free. That is powerful! I was bound by sin, but because Jesus came and conquered sin, I can now stomp on Satan. It's simple, but amazing!
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Whole Kit-N-Kaboodle
Monday, July 7, 2008
I Surrender All
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Reading and Relaxing

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Ashley!

Monday, June 9, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
How Can This Be?

Monday, June 2, 2008
Just Stress!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Awards and rewards!
Hannah has been blessed and received 8 different awards yesterday at her awards ceremony. She has excelled in reading, math, science, and also received the Presidental Gold award. We are very proud of her and glad she is doing so well in school.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Precious Memories
Every year at Hannah's birthday, I think, "why did I get myself into this?" I always try to do something on her birthday and then something with kids on a more convenient day. I do it because I love her and want her day to be special. It's also an exciting occasion for me because it marks the time we've accomplished together. Some parents only have a short time with their kids, and many times after some tragedy they wonder why they didn't do more with the time they had. I know that in a flash my daughter will be gone, and I need to enjoy every moment and hold it as long as possible. I gave Hannah's two parties this year. One was just with family and the other was at church with 9 kids and their families. I didn't take any pictures of the second one because I was busy cooking the meal for 18 people and then organizing the party games afterwards. She says it was the best birthday ever--just like she says every year.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A Labor of Love

I decided I would make Hannah a special shirt for her birthday. It only took me about 2 1/2 hours of back breaking labor to do so. I only ruined two transfers and one T-shirt in the process. The look on her face when she saw it was worth the pain and effort. If you ever try to do iron-on transfers, don't read the directions. They will only confuse you. My common sense was much more help than that piece of paper!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Learning to Lean
Friday, May 9, 2008
Sharing the Word of God

Monday, May 5, 2008
The Bible Is New and Fresh

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Terry's Birthday Hike
Most of these pictures were taken by Ashley Diggs, a couple were taken by my daughter Hannah. I was at home babysitting baby Gracie. I had the best time of them all.
Monday, April 21, 2008
God Directs
Trust the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not
unto thine own understanding.In all thine ways acknowledge Him, and He
shall direct thy paths.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Maestro
Andy got a music scholarship to Central Baptist College which is where this recital was held. For his recital, he played Sonata in F Major K. 280 by Mozart, Roumanian Folk Dances by Bartok, Impromptu in A flat, op. 142 by Schubert, and Scottish Legend by Amy Beach.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Last Two Tears
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Circus!
Due to the heavy rain on Thursday night, the circus had to set up in the old Gymnasium in Glenwood and they were unable to use any animals in their performance. They did use dogs, and that was my favorite part.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My Problem
After my visit to the doctor this week, I decided to investigate Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It was like looking in a mirror. I read this off of a website and saw myself.
I would bet you already know from personal experience that some foods nearly always cause IBS problems, while others never seem to bother you. On the other
hand, you've also probably noticed that sometimes a specific food will trigger
an Irritable Bowel Syndrome attack, while at other times you can eat the exact
same thing without difficulty. Odds are it doesn't seem like there's any rhyme
or reason to this. Odds are also that you've been wracking your brain to figure
out why.
Sometimes, just knowing what you are facing can take away much of the fear. I have done a lot of reading the past several days and discovered lots of the foods that the doctor told me were good for me have actually been irritating my intestines. I also learned that many doctors don't recognize this disease because there is no test for it and because it was originally thought to be psychosomatic. The problem is that the symptoms are very real regardless of whether it's in my head or not. If anyone who reads this has suffered with problems that you think might be related to IBS please let me know. I am interested in talking with you.
Friday, March 21, 2008
My Friend
God is too wise to be mistaken;
God is too good to be unkind;
So when you don’t understand;
When you don’t see his plan;
When you can’t trace his hand;
Trust his heart.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Sweet Gracie
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Friday Was a Snow day!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
My Lovely Daughter
My daughter has started loving to cook! She is learning how to read the recipe, measure flour and sugar, crack eggs (without eggshell), and use the mixer. She made some delicous cookies the other day. Today she made a strawberry cake to take to fellowship dinner at church.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
God Grew Tired of Us

I have never really understood the whole situation of the lost boys, and I will try to impart the little knowledge I have gained. When Sudan began to have conflict a couple of decades ago, there was a decree made that all boys 12 years and under in the South of Sudan should be killed. Therefore, a mass exodus of young boys left and began a dangerous trek across the desert and into Ethiopia seeking asylum. Eleven and Twelve year old boys became the head of household and would have several younger children to care for. They walked for miles and miles, and many thousands of them died. Some of the boys were in charge of burying the dead. One of the lost boys was being interviewed some 17 years later, and he said, "we thought God had grew tired of us, and was punishing us for all the bad things we had done." He also said, "We knew God was with us, or we would have never made it through the desert." One of the lost boys also said, "Americans should be more grateful for what they have." I think if God has grown tired of anyone, it would be the ungrateful Americans. I pray that I will use the gifts God has given me more efficiently and effectively.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
In the Middle of His Will
Sunday, January 27, 2008
An Example

Friday, January 18, 2008
Connecting With Old Friends

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
In other news, I still haven't actually gotten the check for my van yet. I am starting to get "antsy". She told me she would mail it on Friday. I am trying to be patient, but tomorrow it will be 5 weeks since I had my wreck. Normally these things go much quicker, and I would hate to have to find a lawyer to sic on them.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
We are also working on our house again, and after the many trials of 2007, I think that 2008 is looking better.
Hannah has decided she wants to be baptized. She is planning to go forward this Sunday. I guess we will see if she is still got her courage on Sunday. She was pretty sure of herself the other night. She wanted to be baptized, but was afraid she wasn't old enough. After I told her she was old enough--it was settled. I am so glad that she has such a soft heart. She wants to do the right thing. Like all of us, she doesn't always do it, but she has a good conscience.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
I've spoken about my van, and that is a sore subject. The adjuster informed me last week (after I finally chased him down) that he was going to total my Van. I told him I wanted to keep it and he told me that I should learn the amount I will be getting tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath, because they haven't really done anything like they said yet. I didn't get a rental because they were going to charge me $13.00 a day to cover the full coverage insurance I do not have. I'm hoping things start looking up tomorrow.
So for the New Year, everyone is always making resolutions and vowing to change. My vow is to relax more and to let it go. Life is really about preparing for the hereafter and not about the stuff I can collect down here. I'm going to budget my money better, and serve God with more enthusiasm than ever.
I may also talk more about politics in the future, because I have become very convinced that based on the life of Jesus, those that have should share with those who have not. I know it's a very "democratic" idea, but I believe it is also biblical.
On that note, I will let you move on.