Wednesday, October 26, 2011

God Loves You Anyway

I attended my 20th class reunion last week, and I guess I am waxing nostalgic. I’ve been thinking about the me of twenty years ago compared to me today. Spiritually, I have grown so much, but still realize I have so much more to grow. Twenty years ago, I thought as long as the pastor and my church members didn’t know the real me or what I did, then I was safe. Today, I realize it’s only God that matters. I have heard some people say, "I am so glad they don’t know what I’m thinking." The problem is that God does, but the awesome thing is that He loves us anyway! I don’t like being reprimanded by God, but I have never felt like God didn’t love me. For many years I thought it was more about looks than about substance. In the deep corners of my heart, I realized that God wanted more of me and wanted me to be real with Him. So today, I want to ask you "Are you being real with God?" He knows you better than you know yourself, so you might as well ‘fess up and just accept that you are a dirty, rotten scoundrel. But more importantly, you need to realize that God loves you despite your imperfections. He knows you are a dirty, rotten scoundrel, but He still died to save your soul and He wants you!

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