Giving is a great biblical principal, and giving like God requires is very difficult. I feel that I am a fairly generous person, but I usually make sure my family is taken care of before I start giving to others. I read the story in I Kings 17:7-15 where the Widow of Zarephath was gathering sticks during the drought and famine. She was planning to bake her last cake for her and her son and then they were going to wait to die. Elijah came along and said "could you get me a glass of water?" The widow immediately went to get him a drink, although there was a drought and water was probably limited. Then he stopped her and said while you’re at it, bake me some bread too. She stopped and turned and said "I only have enough for me and my son." I can feel this woman’s pain. She so wants to give to this man, but she has a son to think about, along with herself. She wasn’t looking forward to going hungry either. Elijah tells her that God has told her to make him bread and that if she does, there will be enough. She does as he says and indeed there is enough not only for that day, but also for the remaining days of the famine.
Having a daughter, I’ve tried to put myself in the widow’s position. Could I give the food I was going to give to my child to someone else? Am I willing to give to God sacrificially? I am afraid God has taught me lately that I love to give so long as I have an abundance. When my resources are limited, I’m not near as giving. I am much more frugal in my giving, when I don’t see how my own needs will be met from day to day. God instructed us in His word to pray for our daily bread. He never told us to store up enough food to last a month. I also know that God promised to supply all my needs. I just have to reconcile what I think I need with what God thinks I need.
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