Saturday, March 30, 2013

He Took a Nail For Me

For me, the most horrifying part of the crucifixion is the nails. The very thought of nails going through his hands and feet makes me cringe in pain. When I watch reenactments that have the sound of the hammer and nails, it always brings tears to my eyes. My daughter hates to see blood or pain being inflicted on anyone, and today as we watched an Easter program she hid her eyes. When they were hammering the nails, she said "that doesn't sound like fun." I assured her that it wasn't fun.

It is very humbling to think that Jesus took a nail for me. It wasn't fun, pleasant or the least bit enjoyable. He endured incredible pain, and He did it for me. We have had this week to remember His death and sacrifice. Tomorrow, we can celebrate the victory. Death has died and we are alive because He rose again!

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